2 Poems


Towards Algiers


The desert scatters

on our feet. It’s the only


surrender that counts,

vast, unobstructed.

Winds forge directions

for us, where


suns thirst

restless salaats.


Moons huddle

a glimmering city


in your eyes.

They curve down


your neck, down

to mine, as shadows


hold the arcs

of its light.

Tangier – Morocco 2008

Unveiled in Tangier


Finally, we gave in.

At least, for now.


Souks, alleys, and tunnels

guided us there,


through muezzins



the Strait of Gibraltar.

Your gestures


stretched the sun,

loud as minarets.


Floors tiled patterns,

rising on walls,


prayers, and



Moonlights, too,

had been squared out.


Their curves could

bind whispers,


in moments

gasping for God.


Michael Caylo-Baradi’s work has appeared in The Common, Metazen, MiPOesias, Munyori, PopMatters, Prick of the Spindle, The Los Angeles Daily News, Our Own Voice, and elsewhere. 

Photos by flickr creative commons users Maurice Michael and Primeroz

2 Poems

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