Aphorism 57: You Cannot Fail at Being You


We cherish ourselves even to the bones
which like some mother’s rigid hangers
hold us to our lacquered shapes in the smug 
dialetheia of am and briefly was until 
we come to our raveled ends       everyone 
just taking up space until space takes us back
one washed-out moment at a time        like tea 
leaves steeping in a cup until we’re ready 
for someone to bow in close and take
a quick ceremonial sip       then turn the cup
       wipe clean the rim and hand it carefully 
to yet another honored guest who       mindful 
of what we might let go to waste       will not 
leave until every drop is drunk.


John Blair has published six books, most recently Playful Song Called Beautiful, as well as poems with various magazines, including Poetry, The Georgia Review, and Colorado Review. His new collection The Shape of Things to Come is forthcoming this fall from Gival Press.

[Purchase Issue 25 here.]

Aphorism 57: You Cannot Fail at Being You

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