All posts tagged: Writing Prompts

Weekly Writes 2024: Committin’ to Get It Written!

Need some motivation? We’ve got you covered! Weekly Writes is a ten-week program designed to help you create your own place-based writing, beginning July 29.

We’re offering both poetry AND prose, in two separate programs. Whether you’re the next Dickinson or Dostoevsky, pick your program, sharpen your pencils, and get ready for a weekly dose of writing inspiration (and accountability) in your inbox!

 A graphic advertisement for Weekly Writes, saying "Sign up for Inspiration and Instruction to Meet Your Writing Goals!" 

Weekly Writes 2024: Committin’ to Get It Written!

Join Weekly Writes Summer 2023: Accountable You

→ Signups for Weekly Writes Summer 2023 are now closed. To register your interest in hearing about our next WW program in January, please fill out this form

Weekly Writes is a ten-week program designed to help you create original place-based writing, beginning July 24.

We’re offering both poetry AND prose, in two separate programs. What do you want to prioritize this summer? Pick the program, sharpen your pencils, and get ready for a weekly dose of writing inspiration (and accountability) in your inbox!

writing with a pen in a notebook

Join Weekly Writes Summer 2023: Accountable You

Join Us for Weekly Writes, Volume I

weekly writes


Weekly Writes is a ten-week program designed to help you create original place-based fiction and nonfiction.

Volume I launched on July 1, 2018. Volume II coming soon!

Sign up for Volume 1 is now closed. The $15 fee includes one free, expedited submission after program completion.
Join Us for Weekly Writes, Volume I