A Not-so-Failure in 2 Parts


excerpt from the ongoing Failures Diary 


i go to pick up my kid

at his crèche

that’s a fancy european word

for daycare


instead of bundling him away

i slump a seat on the floor

in an alcove-like space


and look out at snow in the garden

it’s quite peaceful

a poem starts composing in my head

the other parents’ voices

begin to fade away


my son is playing

with another boy

going up and down

up and down a slide

built into the wall

laughing laughing


his friend comes over


right up close,

pokes me hard in the cheek,


who are you?





water freezes in the air

we call it snow


people in the next room are talking talking

making a racket racket, I sit still

as their voices begin to fade


and become inanimate,

a chair or something,

it feels a bit like being stoned


outside through the window

i notice wind

exploding small puffs

of snow from trees


the window makes observation

of cold effortless

I must remember to look up

‘the invention of glass’


                                    –Amsterdam, January 2013



Cralan Kelder is the author of Give Some Word. His work has recently appeared in Zen Monster, Poetry Salzberg Review, and VLAK, among other publications.

Photo from Flickr Creative Commons

A Not-so-Failure in 2 Parts

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