Ali Shapiro’s work has appeared in Gertrude, Popula, PrairieSchooner, The Offing, The Rumpus, and Electric Literature, among others. She received her MFA in poetry from the University of Michigan, and now teaches writing at the Stamps School of Art & Design. Read more at
GRZEGORZ KASDEPKE The outcome of the battle over my stomach (one way to my heart) was a foregone conclusion. Granny deployed sophisticated weapons. Tomato soup, for example, cherry compote, or a special open sandwich (the People’s Republic equivalent of bruschetta al pomodoro): fresh bread, proper butter, fragrant tomatoes sliced into strips.
PETER FILKINS All night long / it bucked and surged / past the window // and my breath / fogging the glass, / a yellow moon // headlamping / through mist, / the tunnel of sleep, // towns racing past. // Down at the crossroads, / warning in the bell, / beams lowering // on traffic before / the whomp of air / followed by the zing // and clack-ety-clack / of hammered rails
THE COMMON The Common published over 175 stories, essays, poems, interviews, and features online and in print in 2024. Browse a list of the ten most-read pieces of 2024 to get a taste of what left an impact on readers.
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