


Which of the two writes the poem?

He who sleeps waking with the cypresses
of India or you who live enamored
of the streets of Buenos Aires

Which of the two writes the poem?

He who teaches classes and loves his
students or he who rides a bicycle
through Long Island parks without
thinking of coming back

Who writes the poem?

He who thinks that to err is his fate
or he who kneels before the sovereign
for not having opened all the books.
Translated by Loren Goodman


Miguel-Angel Zapata books include Lumbre de la letra, Escribir bajo el polvo, El cielo que me escribe, Cuervos, Los muslos sobre la grama, the bilingual A Sparrow in the House of Seven Patios, and Fragmentos de una manzana y otros poemas.

Loren Goodman is the author of Famous Americans, Suppository Writing, and New Products.

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At the laundromat the whir of machines, / whorled & busy, the pleasure & difficulty / of stillness     Waiting, sockless, I aspire to be / the cross-legged woman reading a magazine, / settled into her corner of time     I like her gray braid, / the way her skin sings.

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No—posthumous—inquiry will manage—never—to see what I wrote. What I lost each time—to / discover what a home is: stiff body inside the openness it has created. No one will know how / much I insisted, how much I demanded—and with no defenses.