The Valkyrie

Hilda always appreciated the few syllables he spared for the exquisite replicas of aristocratic mansions; most docents skipped them altogether, so any mention counted as ample. She was reassured that he could find something to say about them, even if it was a pretext...

Polish dumplings on a red plate with a slightly blurred background.

Grey Dumplings

The outcome of the battle over my stomach (one way to my heart) was a foregone conclusion. Granny deployed sophisticated weapons. Tomato soup, for example, cherry compote, or a special open sandwich...fresh bread, proper butter, fragrant tomatoes...

The Old Current Book Cover

January 2025 Poetry Feature #1: Brad Leithauser

I’m twenty-seven, maybe too old to be / Upended by this, the manifold / Foreignness of it all, the fulfilling / Queer grandeur of it all, // But we each come into ourselves / As each can, in our own / Unmetered time (our own sweet way), / And for me this day’s more thrilling

Headshot of

On Fighting Back: Jonas Rosenbrück interviews Khuê Phạm

In Germany, I'm part of a generation of writers who come from immigrant families and who, through their work, write about the many faces of Germany today. My book was the first German novel from the Vietnamese diaspora over here, and I was unsure how readers would take to it. I was surprised and touched when the book did very well.

In fall, the persimmon trees light their lanterns

And I plunge my foot into the scalding water, dropping my resistance to its intensity. I move toward it, inward. I move fast so that my body is unable to register the purposeful heat this place contains—something primordial, obscured by a white, industrial exterior.

Kittentits cover.

Review: Kittentits

Wilson’s novel, too, is a carnivalesque feast. It offers a constant spectacle of death and renewal in exuberant, entirely over-the-top settings. Most characters have a tragic death story attached to them. There are deaths in car crashes, fires, several forms of cancer, and an epileptic girl who dies from an attack of epilepsy that happens when she’s in prison.

Using The Common in my first-year seminars has been fun, fruitful, and helpfully startling for these classes.”

—Martha Cooley, Associate Professor of English, Adelphi University Receive classroom subscription discounts, lesson plans, and more when you TEACH THE COMMON »
